Saturday, June 15, 2013

Bliss through perversions.

Sex, pornography, breasts, masturbation are words with heavy negative connotations attached them. One’s attention is easily diverted towards them. No wonder we have advertisements, movies and music videos showing us girls dressed in scanty clothes and camera angles intentionally angled the way they are (check out Bill Hick's ultimate ad). Words like God don’t have as much popularity, mainly among the youths.

Pornography is a booming industry in the west with so many sites which provide free access to millions (I may be exaggerating, but I hope you get the point) of free videos and pictures. Teenagers to oldies (maybe, I don't know, you tell me) watch pornography and not just watch it. ;)

According to Merriam Webster, to pervert something is to turn aside from what is good, true or morally right, that is, to corrupt something or someone. Basically, it means that it’s the wrong thing to do as opposed to the right thing. Usually, a sexual behaviour or desire which is considered unacceptable..

So maybe you are thinking that I'm going to rant against pornography, that it's a bad thing?

Is it? Obviously it objectifies women as sex objects, gives violent ideas about lovemaking, depicts women to be slaves etc.

What can one do when he/she is not allowed to have sex?

Our moral codes dictate that we have to get married to a person to have sex. Nature provided us with sexual urge but no doctrine of marriage. At the age of around 16 to 17 puberty has almost reached its peak. To be blunt, society has ‘castrated’ us. It has made us blind to our sexual energies by making us believe their ideologies are true. Especially in a country like India we have left everyone dry like barren deserts.

Anyone who has made love in his/her life and/or also had sex can tell these were the most ecstatic moments of their lives (obviously one of the most!). Even an orgasm that is achieved through masturbation is such a joy. And trust me, it is simply wonderful. :)

Gently caressing each and every part of your partner’s body, hearing the moans and gasps, hair standing on its end, tickling, kissing, hugging and discovering. It’s such a joy that in those moments every else goes for a toss. Sex is your birthright and you should have it!

The rapes are nothing but violent outlets of repressed sexual urge. Our society is not free; we have been wound up tight. We need to unwind. This ideology of “sex only after marriage” can destroy our development. Walls need to be broken and people should come close and mingle. Sexual repression has adverse effects on our body, mind and soul; we cannot be at ease.

Maslow’s pyramid (anyone remembers?) has sex at the base of the pyramid.

Today, we aren’t allowed by our own laws, ideologies and culture, to experience ecstasy, naturally! (yea, not through MDMA) We have to turn to other outlets. Yes, pornography is a perversion as the ‘good’ and ‘natural’ thing would be to actually experience the thing rather than being a peeping tom. But what can one do?

People who masturbate are helpless. Society has created such a suicidal atmosphere. At least pornography gives a little relief. So pornography is not necessarily bad. Though, I still say that it is unnatural.

Ideas that pornography suggest through their videos are often violent. There also we need to be careful as to where is it going inhuman. Romantic and soft versions should be preferred as they should be properly edifying when one actually lands in a real situation.
Partner should be respected, it’s not only about ‘me’, a quality of love are only a few advices.

I hope you get my point.  :)